Six Lakes Realty

Ice Safety Tips for Northwestern Wisconsin

ice safety tips northwestern wisconsin

Northwestern Wisconsin is home to some of the best winter recreation anywhere! But before you venture out on a frozen lake or waterway, there’s an important tip to keep in mind. Namely, there’s no such thing as completely safe ice! Here’s why, and how you can protect yourself.

The Wisconsin DNR says that you cannot judge the strength of ice by any single factor, such as appearance, thickness, age, or air temperature. Ice conditions on any lake can vary greatly from one surface area to another! Ice can be two feet thick in one location, and two inches thick just a few yards away.

Here are rules of thumb to keep in mind:

  • Inlets, outlets, narrows or currents create thinner, less predictable ice.  
  • White ice (melted and re-frozen water) is weaker than new, clear ice.
  • Active schools of fish can bring warm water up from the bottom of the lake, causing ice to melt and thin beneath the surface. This causes random weak spots on lake ice.

The Wisconsin DNR does not monitor ice conditions. The best source of information about ice strength and its suitability comes from local outfitters, fishing clubs, and your own testing. The minimum ice thickness recommended for an average adult is at least 4” of solid, clear ice. The MN Dept of Natural Resources has an ice thickness guide for various situations.

You can test ice thickness with a cordless power drill and a long, 5/8-inch wood auger bit. Drills at least 7.2 volts will work, but the bit is specific. Test ice near the shore and continue as you go further out. After drilling a hole, measure ice thickness with a tape measure. Dry the bit and spray with silicone lubricant to prevent rust.

This info is just a start! Get important ice safety tips at the WI DNR website. The right gear and preparations make all the difference.

When you have real estate questions, we’re here to help! Six Lakes Realty is a locally owned family business with over 45 years of real estate experience. Contact us today for friendly, hometown service!

John Flor
Managing Broker
Six Lakes Realty
Office: (715) 924-4806

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